Sunday, May 15, 2011

Plants Updated

So the seeds I've planted have begun to sprout! hooray!

actually they've sprout a few days ago.  It's surprising to see that after waiting a few weeks for the seeds to germinate, once the first spout emerges, they explode in growth, literally growing a little bit visibly every day (*so everyday I get to see the changes)

I hope to be able to post some pictures of my little garden ASAP.

Just yesterday I cut a bit of the Basil I was growing to add to my sandwich, it is quite rewarding to be able to use what you've grown and be able to literally taste the "fruits of your labour."

I think everyone should try it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gardening Expedition

It's been a long time since I blogged, so I thought I'd drop a quick blog on my new hobby of choice.

As the title would imply I am trying to grow my own garden and I've started with some herbs (basil, sweet basil and thyme) along with a hot chili plant.

I've also started growing from seed a few easy beginner plants like peas, edamame, zucchini, snap peas and marigolds.

It's been a bit overwhelming with the new info but fun to read up on instructables in creating garden stuff. One that I plan to use is the "Ghetto Greenhouse" with the use of 2L bottles.  It's interesting that the planting of Marigolds (flowers) prevents certain pests from attacking vegetables like zucchini and squashes.

I am excited and I hope I get some sprouts soon!