Thursday, March 24, 2011

About J continued...

Hello Ladies...look at my previous post...Now look at me, now back to the previous post, NOW back to me...Sadly, the previous post had little about me, but if I had stopped talking about education and learning, you'd know a little bit more about me...

So if you've read the other post of today, you'll know I went off on a slight tangent in regards to the education cohort, but that's ok since it does have something to do about me.  I didn't want to go back to the topic of 'About Me' after my shout out to my cohort members, so I decided to start another post.

To keep it brief, I'll just mention 3 more things:

1. I'm a man who enjoys food and unfortunately I show it...
--> it's great to experience all sorts of cuisine and to me its a lot more interesting to study a culture through food than it is through a tome.
--> I've recently been a fan of the 'Food Network' and it has inspired my thoughts on creating food...Now only if my skills could catch up to my visions...

2. I'd love to travel and see the world with my own eyes and experience it with all my senses...
--> I've only been to a few different places in the world, mainly to Malaysia to visit family and some parts of Canada and the United States
--> Through those experiences it was great seeing the different lifestyles they may have from what I am comfortable with
--> In relation with point #1, Travelling to me also equals to trying interesting food! ^_^

3. Music, Literature and the Arts
--> Though I've enjoyed the Sciences, I've recently become a lot more Art-oriented.
--> I have always loved music and the emotions it evoked and would love to someday create my own
--> I really enjoy the subtle intricacies of good artwork/animations and would also like to up my drawing skills (recently I found myself loving the retro-ness of pixel art)

Well that's it for now, leave a comment about yourself, I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping bye, hope to cya again! Ciao!

*Looks around...* "You still there?"

Well...for those of you who stuck around long enough to read up to here, I present a gift to you ^_^.

I found this vid when I was looking for the Old Spice Guy's pic above. A throwback to my retro years and a pretty funny parody mixed in one. ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. haha grover
    food, traveling, animation yup
    but u forgot to mention the most important thing about you - ME! wahaha *self-absorbed*
