Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommy's Day

Mother's Day Date Canada
(taken from

2010 - May 09
2011 - May 08
2012 - May 13
2013 - May 12
2014 - May 11

I must admit that I am not the greatest at remembering what days special occasions fall under (I had to check online to see roughly when Mother's Day occurs for this post and interestingly enough I found it changes slightly every year).

In the instance of Mother's (and Father's) Day, I don't think it really matters what day it is.  I think it's great that a day was set aside to celebrate our parents, but in truth, things like this should be celebrated everyday.

Now before you all go out and start shopping for balloons, cakes and other celebration tools for an all out party, I mean to say it should be celebrate in small, but meaningful ways.

For me, I'm reminded of my mom today as I enjoy a lunch that was prepared by her for me.  As I sat in the office late morning, starving and counting the minutes till lunch, my mom had already planned out what meal I was going to have last night.

I know that I'm not always so sentimental and can even be considered ungrateful for viewing my lunch as simply 'leftovers' from dinner; but if I stop to think about it, she also prepared that meal for me too. It is definitely a vast luxury in comparison to those children who are not blessed to have a mother or are lacking in food.

Thinking way back, even before you were presented to this world, your mother was sacrificing herself for you.  She sacrificed her outward appearance, losing her (possibly well-toned) body and replacing it with a bulging life capsule where you could grow.  And grow you did!! For a whole 9-months (give of take a few months) she carried you around, literally transferring nutrients from herself to you.

So to all of you who have mothers, make an effort to show your appreciation for her hard work.  Help her around the house, thank her every-so-often for what she does to keep the family going and/or give her a nice shoulder massage to ease the work out of her muscles. (And for those who live away from their mom, give her a call and start a conversation, ask how she's doing)


P.S. - Leave a comment below and tell me how you celebrated 'Mother's Day'

P.P.S. - For those of you who noticed my lack of mention of the father's in this post, do not think that my lack of mention means they are any less important to the proper development of a child.  To me I believe that parenting is a team effort and expands even further out (as the saying goes: "It takes a village to raise a child").  I mainly focused on my mom today simply because the revelations had struck me during lunch and her preparation of it for me. I'm sure I will have a 'Father's Day post' some time in the future (and knowing me it is almost guaranteed to be on the wrong day)

1 comment:

  1. aww how nice. a bit early. i thought it was already over and i'd forgotten
